Functions & Gatherings    


Members are brought together through newsletters, web sites, and regional or international gatherings. Mensans can also join international gatherings hosted by Mensa groups in other countries.

There are Special Interest Groups (SIGs) at both the global and local level, organized around particular topics or interests. Amongst other benefits, these give members a forum in which to express, promote and discuss particular political or ideological beliefs without compromising the overall neutrality of Mensa on such subjects.




Mensa members will have access to the Mensa International website and various social media groups, and will also receive the "Mensa World Journal" (published by Mensa International), as well as "Mensa Means" (published by Mensa Hong Kong). Both publications are regularly published so that every member is able to stay up-to-date with other Mensans around the world.


Mensa Mail


MensaMail is a free email forwarding service offered exclusively to our members. The members of Hong Kong Mensa may apply for a unique email address of the form "[email protected]".


Mensa SIGHT Program 

SIGHT stands for Service of Information, Guidance and Hospitality to Travelers. Mensa members can enjoy the company and hospitality of other Mensans throughout more than 40 other countries. Mensans can contact the local SIGHT coordinator of the countries they are visiting and get introduced to local members who will help show them around, meet business or personal contacts, or even offer home accommodation. Hong Kong Mensa typically welcomes some 20-30 overseas Mensans a year this way.




Mensans who move to other countries to live or work can simply switch their membership to the national group of their new abode. If there is no national group, they become direct members of Mensa International.